In 2019 I was able to drive down to Tijuana as part of a group with my church to help a local organization build some houses for people in need. I had brought my camera with hopes of documenting the process of the day and the people we met. Once we arrived at our build site, we were informed that the neighbor was kind enough to allow us to use his bathroom for the day. Right before lunch, I decided to sneak off and explore the neighborhood, as well as go see the neighbor José. I asked if I could use his bathroom, and he showed me around. I was intrigued by his persona and begun a broken spanish conversation with him. Through my horrible spanish, and his minimal understanding of english, I was able to explain that I was a photographer and that I would like to take his photograph and hear his story. I came back a couple minutes with my camera, and we began talking more. José had lived in this home for years with his family, until his wife had left him a couple years ago, now a bachelor. He began to inform me more about his past when I asked about his guitar. He showed me an old photograph from his preforming days, as well as some of his music, El Palomo De San Miguel. He has an entire album on YouTube, and his voice is amazing. I will never forget José and I am thankful for his story and laughter through our conversation. See his music below.