Yard Sales

Often times when people think of stuff, they think of the things people buy as a reflection and insight into the human psyche. However, I think the flipside of the coin is equally if not more interesting. What are the things people no longer want and why? The Yard Sale can be found nearly anywhere, every Friday- Sunday. People open up their garages or front lawns to be gazed upon in hopes of turning a small profit, with little thought to consider that they are sharing their unique experiences in the world for everyone to see. I have encountered all types of yard sales, from people selling literal junk, to others selling valuable personal items as a way to move on to the past, or selling items from a lost love one. Within this project, I not only was drawn to the “stuff” people were selling, but the people themselves and their lives. How and why did these people move through this world? And why were they releasing their personal items out into the world? Through intimate and vulnerable conversations, people begin to open up and let you into their lives. My wish is that these photos accomplish the same